Traditional Hopi Songs - online book

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230                                          HOPI SONGS
Baxter of Boston. A typical collection of pottery, mostly from the Rio Salado, was shown, and this was later presented to the Imperial Ethno­logical Museum in Berlin by Mrs. Hemenway. At this time Mrs. Hemen-way actively interested herself in the preservation of the remarkable ruin called Casa Grande in Arizona, and joined in a petition to this end which was presented to Congress on February 4, 1889, and granted March 2, the ruin being at present a national reservation. The study of the history of the Pueblo tribes occupied Dr. Bandelier until 1891, and a collection of books and copies of MSS. brought together in the course of his investigations was presented by Mrs. Hemenway to the Li­brary of the Peabody Museum.
In July, 1889, the charge of the Expedition was transferred to Dr. J. Walter Fewkes, now of the Bureau of Ethnology in Washington, already well known as naturalist and ethnologist. In the winter of 1889-90 Dr. Fewkes was commissioned by Mrs. Hemenway to visit the Passamaquoddy tribe of Indians in Maine, taking writh him a phono­graph in order to test the availability of this instrument as a means of collecting the folk-lore of the Pueblo tribes. The results obtained'led to the inclusion of a phonograph in the outfit of the next expedition to Zuiii, where a number of records were made both of speech and song. The cylinders were afterward deposited in the Peabody Museum, the study of the songs being intrusted by Mrs. Hemenway to Mr. Benjamin Ives Gilman, now Secretary of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, at the time lecturing at Harvard University on the psychology of music. Duringr 1890 and 1891 the late Mr. John G. Owens was associated with the Expedition. Mr. Owens was the first incumbent of a fellow­ship in American Archaeology and Ethnology instituted by Mrs. Hemen­way in pursuance of her plans for the encouragement of these studies, and held the position until his death in Honduras in 1893 as chief executive officer of the Peabody Museum Expedition to that country. In 1891 the Expedition removed from Zufii to the Moqui or Hopi vil­lages in Arizona, the late Mr. A. M. Stephen, long a resident among the Hopi people, becoming an assistant in the work. A large collection of objects gathered here by Dr. Fewkes, including a number of phono-
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